Healing martial arts class arrives in Doncaster

A unique and restorative form of martial art is being welcomed to the Dome with a new fitness class open to all.

Qigong, developed in China thousands of years ago as part of traditional Chinese medicine, is used to build health, heal injuries and pain, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote longevity and vitality. It is similar to Tai Chi, but easier to learn and more focused on improving health.

The new classes, which take place at The Dome on Mondays and Wednesdays at 12.30-1.30pm, are led by renowned local martial arts expert, Ken Campbell who also runs his own health and fitness company, Invitation to Health.

Ken (77), who is originally from Inverness but now lives in Doncaster, started his martial arts journey with Judo back in 1953 and went on to develop an expertise in many other forms including tai chi, karate, qigong and meditation. During this time, Ken has trained with some of the leading martial experts in the world and has himself developed a reputation for his knowledge, skill and teaching practice.


Said Ken: “If your life energy systems are not flowing correctly and your immune system is weak, you will continue to become ill, and fatigued. By balancing all these systems, you will have a long and happy quality of life and Qigong is an important preventative natural treatment to provide respite from illness.

“It is excellent for all ages and is used in many Eastern countries as part of their health systems. If your energy gets where it is meant to go, then all your physical, mental, and energetic systems will be aligned and you will have a healthy and happy existence. Qigong helps you achieve this and just five minutes a day practice can really help improve health from inside and out.

“It is great to be involved in these new classes at the Dome which are getting more and more popular as people realise the benefits. It is available to all so I hope others will come along and join in to see what we offer.”


Chris Wright, head of health and leisure at DCLT, which manages the Dome, said: “Qigong is one of the lesser-known martial arts so finding a teacher and class in your area can be challenging but that’s why, here at DCLT, we’ve made it easy and accessible for everyone!

“The new twice weekly classes, led by Ken who is a real expert in his field, is a fantastic addition to our fitness class programme and really offers something different. An important part of what we do is to provide a variety of different ways to help keep the people of Doncaster fit and healthy and Qigong provides another way for us to do just that. You can pay as you go or take advantage of our Choose Fitness memberships to get access to classes at The Dome all year round.”

For more information about the Qigong class at the Dome, please visit: www.dclt.co.uk/the-dome/activities/fitness/


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